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TO THE POINT: Happy Homes
December 10, 2021

…And so, just in time to finish off the year 2021, I have inspiration to write again….yes – writing takes energy and one needs something to say! Part of the trigger may have been when I found it delightful to read through the HappyHomes ebook that I compiled a decade ago. This little ebook includes essays myself and some homeshool friends wrote as encouragement for others, and it is still offered for FREE right HERE on this website. (just right click and download the file)

What a blessing it was to read again, as what we said then is still so true for all of us! The principles, guidelines and musings still apply. Even my own essays were an inspiration to myself! Ten years is a long time when you have children; all of them are in completely different seasons now. Yet, I believe that to home educate as part of the process of building a HAPPY HOME is still valid. Homeschooling is still the best way to build relationships and ensure an excellent education for your children. Of course, there are many ways to build a happy home, and not every home is happy, whether one homeschools or not. Parenting is a much wider subject of which homeschooling is just one aspect.

As a valued subscriber, I hope to encourage you to also build your HAPPY HOME - with a personal message from myself on a monthly basis starting next year. You are always welcome to reply or message me via the various platforms available these days.

In this newsletter, I am honored to share an interview that Marisa Haasbroek had with me the other day. She is well-known amongst South African homeschoolers, especially the Afrikaans community. What a positive experience that was! It is a whole different thing to hear yourself say things after it has been recorded and available to anybody, but here we are……have a look at the interview on this link to Youtube

In her introduction she stated the following in Afrikaans: “Vir hierdie heel laaste potgooiepisode van 2021 is dit vir my baie lekker om met ʼn gesoute tuisskoolma te gesels en al haar raad en wenke om van tuisonderrig ʼn sukses te maak met jou te deel.Ek gesels met Willemien Kruger, die skepper van Omvattend Afrikaans.Sy het drie kinders en het met elkeen van hulle ʼn ander matriekroete geloop. Haar dogter, wat nou 21 jaar oud is, het uitmuntend met Cambridge gevaar en het met die beste punt in die hele land weggestap vir Afrikaans op A-vlak. Sy het ook uitstekende uitslae in veral Wiskunde behaal.Maar vir haar seuns het Willemien-hulle ʼn ander roete gevolg. In die onderhoud verduidelik sy baie mooi hoekom.Luister verder na wat sy sê oor:

• Hoe belangrik dit is om eers ʼn roetine te vestig voordat jy jou oor kurrikulum begin kwel

• Dat tuisonderrig eintlik ʼn lewenstyl is en die avontuurlike manier waarop hulle gesin dit aangepak het

• Hoekom dit so nodig is dat jy presies weet wat jou visie en hoe om seker te maak jy hou by daardie visie”

Have a special blessed festive season! May our eyes stay focused on all that is good and positive happening in the world today and let us not be distracted as the media would have it. Even in challenging times, there will always be opportunities for growth.

Until next time, Willemien

Carpe Diem - Make use of opportunities.

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