Are You Considering Home Education?

Homeschooling is a growing alternative option to provide your children with a solid education, including academics. I say this to highlight the fact that educating your children can imply many things besides academic skills, such as teaching them manners, life skills and character development.

No education is neutral. There is always an agenda, as there should be.

Have you ever asked yourself what the agenda of the schooling system is?

Homeschooling is growing all over the world. If you are just considering homeschooling, take time to do these first 10 steps to help your research:

Get the 

Homeschooling Guide on Considering  Homeschooling

FREE for complete info on each step including templates for your use

10 Steps to Help You Decide

1. Consider your reasons.

Is it for philosophical, academic, religious,  social or other specific reasons? Your reason will determine your Vision which will determine your success, as explained in the 7-Step process to improve your homeschool.

2. Research the law of your country regarding homeschooling, e.g. South Africa

3. Research, think, read and think again.

For excellent scientific research conducted visit my Research and Statistics page, or visit a complete list of Pros of Cons.  To help you make the paradigm shift read my Recommended Reading page.

Some informative websites include:

4. Get connected with people who homeschool.

5. Think through some factors in making the decision.

E.g. in terms of the time commitment, it will require some personal sacrifice, household organization, and agreement between husband and wife.

6. Determine in which phase you are with your children.

This will determine what to focus on when. Read more about Child Development phases here.

7. Start a diary to note what you and your children are already doing.

8. Pray and ask for wisdom, guidance and peace.

“The Lord is your Shepherd to lead, guide and care for you.” Psalm23:1.

9. Know you are not alone – connect with somebody. 

10. Make the decision to homeschool.

Continue reading to understand more about How to Start.

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