Step 7 - Adapt to Improve Your Homeschool

You will always get what you’ve always got
when you always do what you’ve always done

author unknown

If you want to get different things done than you are currently achieving, change something!

If you get into the habit of consistently evaluating progress, it will often be clear that you are either on track or off track.

The decision to make then, is to either:

  • get back on track, or
  • change direction.

This step is about deciding which of the above to do…and not be afraid of making decisions!

What Is It About?

Congratulations, you are at the last step! The last step of adapting will take you back to step1, in order to continuously improve your homeschool process.

Do not despair – it is only the first time that working through these 7 steps takes so long and is difficult.

Every time thereafter it will be easier to do the steps.

If you have found that during your measurement step things are not going as you want, and progress do not seem to be as it should, then it is now the time for you to make appropriate changes.

The purpose is, of course, to get back on schedule, and back on track. Or else, change your vision and goals.

Often when someone is new to homeschooling, they are so afraid to make decisions.

It is true that a decision to homeschool is a serious one, but it is also a journey you are on, and with God’s gracious leading you will not fail as you listen to His guidance.

Just like you correct your child’s written work, you can correct your course to continue to your goals.

This may mean changes to the Vision, or the Course of Study, or the Approach you are following, or even the Curriculum or just the Schedule

Usually people think it is the curriculum that is not working, but remember it can also be your expectations.

The good news is that if you measure regularly, then you will also regularly be adjusting your plans or your actions to fit your plans.

The cycle of continuous improvement is happening when you go through the cycle again and again to improve. It is therefore not really something you can say you are done with, you are only done with steps in the process.

Step 7 is therefore about deciding what you will do when things are not going as planned. It is about making decisions and trying again.

It is about adjusting either actions or expectations as you start the whole 7 Step process again to incorporate the changes.

For Actions to take and Templates to use...

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Homeschooling Guide on The 7-Step Process to Improve Your Homeschool

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For an example of what we have done Go to Step 7 Adapt to improve personal

For more information on the phases click on the relevant link:

Step1 Vision

Step2 Approaches

Step3 Course of study

Step4 Curriculum

Step5 Plan and do

Step6 Measure and reward

Step7 Adapt to improve

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