Step 1 - Our Family's Homeschool Vision

Read more about Step 1 - Vision HERE

Our homeschool vision took a long time to develop and it is still in development.

A vision is refined over time, as you get new info, insights and clarification on what you want and not want.

It is refined as you see others, discuss and think about it.

It will not just happen automatically – you must define it to be there.

Vision is a critically important step as it provides the thing to measure progress by.

How Did We Do It?

After trying out a curriculum in my first year and checking out a whole lot of catalogues, I realized that no curriculum is going to support the vision of what we want to achieve with homeschooling in our family.

Homeschooling in my family is not just about academics, and it is not just ‘schooling’.

It is the process of discipleship and therefore encompass so much more than ‘school’ would have.

Our specific vision (or reason for homeschooling) is therefore driving the whole process. This is critical to understand if you wish to measure whether you are achieving what you want.

Defining our vision took many hours of thinking, rethinking and rewriting!

The very first book on homeschooling I read was Wisdoms’ Way of Learning by Marilyn Howshall. She shared this important step of getting vision for your homeschool in a booklet on its own. That set me and my husband on a quest of thinking…days, then weeks, then months of thinking and writing it down.

What Were We Thinking About?

Questions such as:

  • Why do I want to homeschool?

  • What do I want to achieve by homeschooling?

  • What are some of the good things I learnt as a child that I want for my children as well?

  • What is the most important thing I want my children to learn? Why?

  • What are some of the things I definitely would not like them to learn? Why or why not?

  • What have I missed as a result of not being homeschooled?

More than 7 years later, our vision was finally on paper, stuck onto the wall of our home school. As a result, the children and I (!) can look at the vision and measure (think about) whether we are doing the things that will lead us there…

That is our end point, the goal we want to have achieved.

Our Vision

To have a look at our family's longterm vision, individual vision for our children, as well as how we have applied the 7-Step process personally....

Get the

Homeschooling Guide on a Personal Eclectic Curriculum

FREE to see how we have compiled our own curriculum over all these years!

For more information on the steps as we did it just click on the link:

Step1 Vision personal

Step2 Approaches personal

Step3 Course of study personal

Step4 Curriculum personal

Step5 Plan and do personal

Step6 Measure and reward personal

Step7 Adapt to improve personal

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